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Old 2010-05-02, 02:35 PM   #152
Candy Mountain
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Real Name: Cody
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Californication
Posts: 7,751
Car: 03 Pussy Wagon, now with more pink!
Class: TESP
OMG Internet!

Thanks for the props guys. I never imagined I'd win Pax at an event. The new wider wheels and tires are definitely the hot ticket.

It's really coming together for a lot of us, I can see. Matt threw down a sick time in the first run group this morning that I couldn't even touch in the afternoon when I RNP. I know SECCS did really well...can't wait to see the results for today.

I told Van, that I really enjoyed the course. I agree that it was unique. Especially yesterday, I loved how the elements flowed perfectly and required some serious skill to string together correctly. I also loved the slalom. I think the slalom cones were stretched a little wider than usual, which made it seriously fast. So much fun! Thanks to everyone who helped out.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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