Thread: WTB: Shell
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Old 2010-05-07, 04:35 PM   #7
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"pedal on the right"

Originally Posted by sperry View Post

Considering the cage was around $5k new IIRC,
Is it FIA Spec? cause i can get a FIA Cage for impreza 93-07 for $2200 shipped with FIA Rated Seats, and SFI 5 point belts , installed for what $800 more? ...

Considering that Scott i'de probably give you 2-3K for a rolling chassis (not seats or belts) assuming its FIA / Rally legal. And yes this is an ass raping, but i can find similar deals on special stage, etc , etc ,looking around. So I actually would buy it. at least for that price. lmk if you are searious at all cause i'm currently looking around for a $500-700 ish car and i'm going the safedrives "rally car in a box kit", for 2200 if not well maybe the 1600 route as i don't need seats twice

Actually if you are at all serious , consider taking your car to the NNR Rally tech inspection to see if it can be rally log booked. (opens up a whole new market of buyers for you as well) ... just rambling out ideas before i leave work for the weekend!

I heard that White Rally PGT WRX that was around town sold for 5K ... (and it came with a motor + transmission)

but ya selling things you spent bank on, for good market prices often is too painful. That's why i'm still holding onto my 3K car stereo , because i can't stomache selling it for less than like 1500 or 2k, but no one will buy it fore more than 800.
Fighting uphill battles, one bullet at a time!

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