The Doink
Real Name: Scott
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 20,335
Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through
Originally Posted by A1337STI
Rally cars Are titled, registered, and street legal or they are not allowed to compete!
Prescott and Idaho have over 200 miles of Transit on highway, and city roads. quite zones too, penalties for noise violations, etc.
Are you including suspension, brakes, wheels and tires for 5K?  If so i apologize that's an AWESOME DEAL assuming if so, how much with out that stuff?
you have $1,000 head lights  , ... are they HID Xenon headlights? that would be sick for a rally car (you'de still need supplemental driving lights)
if by shell you mean only the chassis, doors, brake lights, complete with some sorta head light, corner lights, turn signals, a horn, stock a-arms & rear track arms, stock subframe pieces,
no motor, no tranny, no rear diff or drive train, no suspension, no wheels no tires, no seats, no belts, no fire surpression, no first aid kit, no triangles, then ya i still think 5K is a bit high. stripped and acid dipped 1900 obo no cage but that's really just 3k away and you'de have new seats and belts
8K fully build, motor, trans, seats, belts, spares, tires ...
$5,000 for a fairly fast Group 5 car, fully built ready to go (its not a GD Shell but hey honestly he's beaten a lot of stock wrx's with it)
rolling caged shell (Ford focus)
base model price of a focus is 2K lower, but he's including the motor suspension, brakes
So in conclusion, no i don't think 3-4K is Crazy talk for a caged, FIA or rally log booked shell. but again maybe you were including more than i was expecting from the word "shell"
I can't believe this thread has gotten so far out of control, you know considering it's not supposed to be about my WRX.
The confusion here is that, like sybir said, I'm not selling a "rally shell". I'm selling a WRX, with everything except a driveline, suspension and brakes. The suspension and brakes to make the "shell" a roller would be over the $5,000 price I threw out earlier.
The headlights on the car are EDM bugeye projectors. You probably can't buy them new at any price anymore, unless maybe if you have a euro bugeye STi and take it to your euro dealer for a replacement. $1000 would be pretty easy to get for them from someone building a nice bugeye. Then again, I might just keep them if I sold my car just on the off chance I ever own a bugeye again in the future... they're that hard to come by.
Additionally, unlike a rally shell, the car has all the door cards, dash, carpet, headliner, etc in good condition, with a nice painted roll cage. I know rally cars are "street legal", but the difference is, my car is "streetable". With the right suspension, a quiet exhaust, etc, the car can be totally drivable daily, as long as you don't mind climbing in over the cage. It's far more like a Porsche GT3RS... which is a street car with a cage... rather than a rally car, which is a race car that's legal on the streets.
I guess my point is... rally car prices have nothing to do with my car's value. If I were building a rally car, I'd start with something much, much cheaper than my shell. But if I were building a wide-body, streetable/showable car, then I'd start with something like my WRX.
Answer me this: how much would you think your STi is worth w/o the motor and tranny? That's probably a lot closer to what my shell's worth. In fact, considering the mileage on your car and all the off-roading it's seen... my shell might even be worth more.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?