Thread: WTB: Shell
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Old 2010-05-10, 01:24 PM   #18
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
My Ksport coilovers have seen 6 rallies, a bunch of rally crosses and about 20K daily diving miles. they have yet to "fail" the paint is a bit chipped on them though , so ya if that's what you mean then suure...

Good question, ... i dunno 6Kish as a CAR lacking power train Advertise it as a donor car waiting a powertrain swap. power windows, AC, seats, interior , yada yada...

but i would not call my car Sans motor + tranny a shell . shell Implies its just the outer most coverings with nothing inside. or it implied that to me.

you did write

sperry did you even read what you wrote? so after I'm supposed to assume that "bare shell" actually meant it has Everything you'de want in a street car (as you mentioned a few times its street legal and clean title) just no power train, brakes or suspension LMFAO

i love me this forum, its teh bestest!

now if you don't mind, I'm off to hold my breath until Sperry apologizes to me
I'm sorry you got so confused and butthurt about my misuse of the term "shell". Even though in the context of this thread (someone looking for a "shell" as they defined to be a car just needing a motor and tranny) my car did fit the description.

I'm also sorry that you feel a perpetual need to spray your brand of crazy all over the forums whenever you decide to grace us with your presence. I'm sorry that it tends to send threads off track and turn them into flame wars.

I'm sorry you feel the need to throw a wrench into a possible sale, using ridiculous and unrelated comparisons to attempt to derail a deal, even if it wasn't a realistic match for the buyer.

I'm sorry you feel the need to insult me when I was in fact attempting to help out a new member on the forums. I'm sorry that it makes the board look like it's occupied by a bunch of petty douchebags to new folks that haven't been around long enough yet to simply disregard your posts the way most people do by now.

I'm also sorry that you think rally is the end-all be-all of motorsports, but that's just because I'm personally tired of you turning everything into a rally > * pissing contest. I honestly *love* reading your updates and posts about the rally season, and I honestly want you to succeed at it. But I don't need to hear about it constantly in every other thread like you're some sort of Sebastian Loeb gracing us with your knowledge... what you know about rally doesn't always apply to autocross, time trials, street cars, and what constitutes the definition of a "shell" or the value of a "shell", and it's insulting to a lot of the members here that don't rally or care about rally to be talked down to because they "only" autocross.

And finally, I'm sorry I'm wasting even more time posting a reply to you in this thread, because I know it's basically a futile effort since it will be a month before you come back to read it and start the whole situation up again with some line-by-line retort to my sarcasm.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?

Last edited by sperry; 2010-05-10 at 01:26 PM.
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