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Old 2010-05-12, 07:35 PM   #213
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Haha, I used to do a lot more of that sort of thing. Those photos are from Mt. Haeckel on the Evolutions Crest, 2007 IIRC. It's only 13,418.

My specialty is/was dayhiking. Back in 2002, for instance, a good friend and I dayhiked all of the CA 14'ers in one summer, in between work, family, and such. We've done a few things that either were firsts or had at least never been documented previously. I have quite a few good mountain climbing stories......

Originally Posted by daJuice
I thought the High Sierra dress code was a little more strict.
Oh, I threw those rules out the window years ago. I've got Teva open-toe sandal ascents on 4 or 5 14'ers and a few 13'ers, for instance. Three of which involved 4th class terrain.
"Trend Number One is that people aren't getting any smarter."

Last edited by ScottyS; 2010-05-12 at 07:39 PM.
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