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Old 2010-06-11, 07:10 PM   #117
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
I am a devout born-again atheist (90+%). An ironic thing is the first event I remember that started me disavowing my faith was something my pastor told me whilst discussing my own request to be baptized at age 14. I had never been baptized as an infant. He basically told me I couldn't get to Heaven without being baptized. Now this is up for interpretation (and there are sects that believe this), but coming from him that was a strong statement. I went through with the baptism in my 3-piece suit in front of the whole congregation at 14. But I was on the way out already. The idea that some petty arbitrary procedure like that could eternally condemn someone despite all else they had done good and righteous - it didn't make sense. God sounded like an asshole to me. I mean he/it create these imperfect human fuck-ups and gave them free will, knowing full well we are fuck-ups, and knowing full well it will end badly, and then he banishes us to eternal damnation for such petty bullshit. It's kinda like throwing a puppy in the fireplace for peeing on the carpet. This is not my definitive reason for my lack of faith and my contempt for religion, but it is an example and one of many many reasons I cannot and will not go into in this thread. I already regret most of the keystrokes I've wasted here.
Baptism only seems like a "petty arbitrary procedure" if you don't already have a strong idea of what God wants from you and why the churches that endorse it do so. It's not about appeasing God by jumping through hoops, it's about demonstrating your own faith and your own commitment to serving God's will... by jumping through hoops. The symbolic bathing represents the church clearing you of your Original Sin, and you "taking the plunge" so to speak into the church membership and your commitment. Personally I think it makes sense, provided you also believe the rest of the basic tenants of the Gospels, which is basically love God and/or Jesus (depending on your sect), love your neighbor, and you'll be saved.
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