Originally Posted by MattR
Where did that random post come from? hmm? 
Matt! That was an AWESOME run! Smooth, and your timing with being on or off the throttle felt spot-on! Your car (as well as Alex's, from my Sat. ride with him) has
so much power, along with the ability to hold the line despite a significant drift. My car felt seriously deficient after those rides.
A big Thumbs Up to Matt's and Alex's driving this weekend, Thank You for the rides! (On Sat. I was privileged to experience Alex's
'If you want to know how to drift through the turns, Ebrake style, still driving on the racing line, not hitting any cones ... and lose your class by 3 seconds and come up about dead last in pax, SURE!
' Even though he ended up FIRST in pax on Sat!
And Congrats to Kevin AND Nina, for some great run times in the morning!