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Old 2010-06-22, 08:50 PM   #132
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This is going to take crackerjack timing...

Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
even if there were proof that a boat that large existed in the mountains, that doesn't mean it held 2 of every animal aboard, or even that there was a great flood. All it proves is that there were some people living in the mountains that were afraid of a great flood.
Just to make a point...the flood account in Genesis does not say "two of every animal". It says two of every KIND of animal (not species). That means two dogs, two horses, two cats, etc. I don't rememebr how "kind" would be classified in taxonomy, but if you run the numbers, Noah would have only had to carry about 5,000-6,000 individual animals on the ark to cover the genetic diversity we have now. With the size of the ark that number could be easily accomidated.

The second point is that everyone likes to say that there is no evidence of a global flood...when in fact, there is an entire planet full of evidence. Practically every surface feature we see today is the result of catastrophic water-sourced erosion, or the aftereffects. Only huge floods and rapid sedimentation could be responible for the incredible numbers of fossils we have worldwide (we are talking multiple trillions...with a "T"). Flood hydrology and geomorphology (fancy name for land-changing processes) is what I got my degree in, and I have seen much of this firsthand.

I can't speak about the ark, and if it still exists or not, but I can tell you this much...anyone who says that there is no evidence that a global flood occurred simply has not actually looked at the earth and studied what is out there.

Last edited by Highdesertsuby; 2010-06-22 at 09:00 PM.
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