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Old 2010-06-24, 04:52 PM   #150
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I understand what you are saying but, that doesn't answer the question as to why we have big brains. Its just a silly (IMO) explanation of why we can't utilize more of it. I am not asking nor do I expect you to provide a lengthy answer for these questions. I think this is just food for thought and if we wanted to, we could all go back and forth forever.
There plausible, common sense explanations for our big brains from both evolution theory and creation theory. Bigger brains = smarter, smarter = more survival from the evolution standpoint. The cost of our big brains is long gestation, difficult childbirth, and looooooong adolescence. This is why we developed complex social interactions, strong emotions, etc. They are necessary components of the overall "gameplan" for our species. Obviously there's a lot of complexity involved that I can't get into, but nearly everything we think we know about Homo Sapiens jives with Darwinian evolutionary theory.
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