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Old 2010-06-25, 06:19 PM   #177
(40 percent vodka)
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Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
God dammit Joel

And that was my point about the hot chick. You don't think about kids, but you're naturally attracted to fit bodies. I wasn't saying they would get away from everything, I just said they would be the most likely to survive.

And as for the Chinese, they probably find everyone attractive there. Maybe that's why it's so overpopulated

There are 2 reasons I can think of for genders:
1. That's the way it's always been, even for plants.
2. It helps prevent bad mutations from being passed on, it prevents overpopulation of the weak, etc.
Rob you racist pig!

How do women prevent the spread of bad mutations? As you pointed out, the world is full of them. The world is also over populated with the weak. America is losing the battle on weight. What was the latest estimate of fat people, 60%? Women are even more susceptible to STD's than men. So are you saying that women are to blame? Rob, you sexist pig!
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