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Old 2010-06-28, 07:29 PM   #190
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This is going to take crackerjack timing...

Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
May you all discover The Truth [tm] and be truly touched by His Noodly Appendage...

What these people don’t understand is that He built the world to make us think the earth is older than it really is. For example, a scientist may perform a carbon-dating process on an artifact. He finds that approximately 75% of the Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14, and infers that this artifact is approximately 10,000 years old, as the half-life of Carbon-14 appears to be 5,730 years. But what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage. We have numerous texts that describe in detail how this can be possible and the reasons why He does this. He is of course invisible and can pass through normal matter with ease.

Please read the attached brochure for real skientific proof of His existence. Here is an excerpt:

Wow, that was funny. Let me give you another FACT about carbon dating...your "scientist" has to make some assumptions about his sample. He has to assume the initial amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere (which is NOT constant, by the way), how much was initialy absorbed by the sample, assumes that NO carbon 14 contamination of the sample occurred in the 10,000 years it was supposedly sitting around (you know...groundwater leeching, exposure to fire...a great source of fresh C14), and he has to assume that the decay rates of C14 are the same as with the pure sample tested in the lab. Plus, he has to take into consideration that many time cabon dating just doesn't work the way it is supposed to.

Bun since our intrepid scientist has a deadline to meet his grant review, he will dutifully insert whatever "dates" seem to best fit his particular project, making sure that his research gets funded for another year or two. Who is to question him and his methods, since evolutionary scientists are, like congressmen, above reproach.
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