Wow what a weekend.
Leaving the campsite i cut a tire (i think when doing a doughnut just before going on the paved road.

) so i race on my finely aged and bald 615's
Cody develops an oil / turbo? issue. hopefully minor.
I got to drive Tom B's mr2, wow his car is sooo amazingly neutral , and a lot of fun. braking in a MR , no abs is very challenging , didn't realize how much i was relying on my powertrain to prevent front wheel lockup.
Dempsey's Car dies on his last run. just had gotten to the Rev limiter before the slalom and its like the car was turned off, (blow off noise too) suspecting it slipped a tooth, hopefully no internal damage.
So i drove with nick to reno to drop off Dempsey's car with Tom . and we get a call. Rick had some car issues on the end of the new 395 in carson
we drove south to meet up and Rick tows to reno .
Oh driving with 1 tire of less grip in a back corner isn't that bad. you have to really watch it in the slaloms though , its easy to get progressively out of shape.
Ya Cody killed it on Saturday and Vic did amazing today.
Wish i didn't have my tire issues so i could have been part of the show
Maybe i should try to not drive on my autox tires in the dirt