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Old 2010-08-16, 03:23 PM   #362
A1337STI's Avatar
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Class: AS / CRS PerfStock
"pedal on the right"

Put your car in neutral, ebrake off, jack up one rear tire (probably chalk a front tire or two ) , put a 32mm socket on your torque wrench and put that on the axle nut. set your torque wrench to 10 , see if it *clicks* up to 15, keep repeating until you can spin the wheel with out hitting the torque the wrench is set to. It sounds like the rear diff should maybe be at 40-45 foot pounds .. (looking at an IWSTI post) where the guy says he put in thicker plates that promise 10% over stock and he's at 50.
Fighting uphill battles, one bullet at a time!

Last edited by A1337STI; 2010-08-16 at 03:25 PM.
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