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Old 2010-09-16, 03:11 PM   #10
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WTF???: Hallman Pro RX MBC

And the WRX is naturally placed in STX? (who's got a fender roller )

I was planning on going local for a tune, telling them my intentions, and going from there. Budget's no so great right now, the lady has plans

Was thinking cat back to avoid tune, but not against a downpipe. And I'm a cheap bastard, and was likely going the ebay exhaust route unless I find something cheap, used, local.

I know the filter and silencer delete won't do much - I need a new air filter and everything else has a K&N, so the WRX should too, and while I'm there, adding a bit more intake sound without power loss or possible other issues like short ram heat intake or CAI water suck I thought the silencer sounded like a decent, and free alternative.
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