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Old 2010-09-25, 12:50 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
Discount Tires has pretty much the same prices as tire rack. sometimes cheaper (seen em $1 less) sometimes a lil more.

their install prices suck i think 1$ per inch of rim + balance .

but they have this cool tire certificate program. It covers you for any road hazard, even when its your own fault.

I bought some good year eagle GT tires from them and took them on a dirt road a few times over a few weeks. I caught a rock wrong in the sidewall but didn't want to change my tire there so i drove out like 5 miles slowly, ruining the sidewall. put on my spare and drove home, then back to the store the next day. They charged me for a new tire certificate ($15?) and just gave me a new tire.

a few months after that (same road) i came through a fast section of sunrise pass 5L 100 4R/Crest 200 , well a lil too fast and i didn't have any extra grip available to avoid a really nasty rock. i ran that over and Broke 2 rims (pieces of alumnium physically broken out) one tire was instant flat, the other was holding air as it wasn't as busted.

went back into discount with all 4 rims and tires, they removed the tires and i took my rims home, came back the next day with a different set of rims . they gave me 100% credit for the popped tire and like 50% credit on the other 3. (and they were fairly worn down) .

this time i selected a taller tire to hopefully protect my rims a touch more, and add ride height.
215/55/17 (yes they fit... barely)

Well last night i decided to drive levathian mine road. I came through about the middle pont of the road. a 2L+ Very long into 3R long into cattle guard into 4L into 4R. well i tried to get a little too cute with the apex on the 4L almost put my front tire into a rock but snaked around it, but slide the back tire into it. sidewall cut, instant flat.

took the tire into discount today, $20 for a new cert and tire diposal. new tire on my rim.

thing is i told them before i bought the certs, i would be driving fast on dirt roads and i would cut a lot of tires and they said fine. and they are still fine with it.

Wow, as many tires as I go through as well, this doesn't sound like a bad idea. since I am always getting mine at tire rack but then have to pay to get them installed. Thanks for the tip.
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