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Old 2010-11-08, 10:33 AM   #8
The Doink
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Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
Custom brackets. It's been done by a few people. Actually, Sperry has a set in his SVX, so whatever he did would probably work for you.
If these are the same as earlier EVO seats (mine are from an EVO 8 ), then there are 4 little sub-brackets bolted to the slider rails. Take those off and you have essentially a flat bottom seat similar to just about any aftermarket race seat.

Pretty much any Subaru seat brackets for a Sparco/Momo/RaceTech/etc seat can then be pretty easily adapted to the EVO seat. You just have to drill the proper holes in the brackets and get some grade 8 hardware to mount them up.

When I did mine, since it was for the SVX which is just slightly different in dimensions from the WRX, I just welded up the seat brackets from scratch. This helped me get the seats a touch lower, which is a necessity in the SVX 'cause the roofline is like 6" lower than an Impreza.

Here's the thread:
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