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Old 2010-11-11, 06:18 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
It's not just a matter of torque, the gearing advantage isn't going to make a huge improvement in torque at the wheels... it's more a matter of moving the powerband of the motor in relation to the corner speeds.
This is the concept I was seeing over and over again in the comparison - the difference in grip is negligible at this power level over 225 wide, and being at a better point in the power band out of the corner far outweighing the added grip from the slightly larger contact patch.

I know more than anything I have to improve the driver most. That aside, I'd like to have a set up that will enable me to progress and have fun. No rush on tires, but planning to use the Rotas for winters, and looking at RPF1s, and thinking I will need new tires mid-summer. Just want to know how much I need to roll/pull
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