Thread: KSpeed
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Old 2011-01-13, 05:05 PM   #11
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Real Name: Rory
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Just wanted to say thanks for the new car KSpeed!

I got home on Tuesday and said "Jenn I got a new car!" "What?" "Check it out - looks the same as the old WRX, but a million times better!"

Seriously, not sure if the new plugs and tune up have anything to do with it, but I have to say - that tune is frickin fantastic. Drivability better than any car I've ever driven, with plenty of power all the way through the revs. That night there was a VERY SLIGHT hint of the previous power surging that I'm going to attribute to the still-learning ECU after reset. Honestly, the tune seems to be spot on. Sure, I'd probably love the power from a VF39/43/16g-XT swap, but I doubt I could be much happier with this set up. Fricking spot-on.

Oh, she stops like a champ now too - the stainless lines and fresh fluid definitely changed the woah characteristics to match the go - got to test that today when I got run off the road by a semi.

Thanks guys. Good shit.
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