Originally Posted by sperry
At least with autocross and PDX you can run your street car with relatively little risk. But how many people have a car they're willing to risk damage to for 10 minutes of racing?
That's usually the perception from people out side of the sport. Having been to 60+ autocrosses and 30+ rally crosses. I've done more damage to my STI @ PDX than i have at rally cross. I bet there's more $$$ of damage per driver at a PDX then at a rally cross.
cody had a high speed off at a PDX that Easily could have been a roll over with a car total. maybe you forgot
But hey go ahead thinking that , go ahead telling everyone one that, but don't wonder when turn out suffers. lol
Maybe you should compete in a rally cross sometime, or even watch videos of them?
People can and have crashed or rolled cars at auto cross, and its happened at rally cross.
Even though i disagree with your perception, .. A large % of the reno SCCA member agree with you, and for that reason yes it might fail.
My GF and I just Rally crossed my sti last weekend, she did great (and beat over 1/2 the guys) we are looking forward to the local events here, and i bet at least 10 others from sacramento come up .. we did lose a fender liner though.
the club VW ... could be in trouble though ..

Lots of novice (to dirt) drivers , and everyone with the "well its not my car" syndrome ...