Thread: GO VOTE!
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Old 2011-04-21, 07:02 PM   #62
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Cynics wouldn't believe there is alot of waste in govt, nah.

Waste, nah, vacations for 13 members of congress and their families (thats just today)in china under the guise of diplomatic BS, visiting several cities all in luxury, just saying all the wasted $$ adds up.

Corruption, thats nothing, doesn't even count, would never happen, nothing to see, move on.

Supporting illegals is cheap right, ok even though we are flooded with them a very large percentage are on the dole and pay zero taxes. Welfare, food stamps and all the freebies can't add up to much right ? All the people who decide they don't want to work should get more than two years unemployment, Hell I think I will sign up.

Maybe the congress people should get their own czars that aren't vetted by anyone but themselves, and just because Bush did it's completelty justified to go ahead and follow his great policies, or just hire clintons old cronies and let them run it, thats some awesome hope and change. woo hoo..

Why make congress have the same healthcare and benefit packages as other govt workers, that would be silly, how about letting them vote on their own salary and pensions, oh wait they do, sweet.

Most people don't even know who their rep is and vote party line so idiots like wrangle (Brooklyn) keep getting elected.
These people (both parties) have us in a bad way, they care about getting rich and re-elected period, I'm sure term limits wouldn't change that scenario, nah.

Taxes were not meant to punish people for their choices. Cigarette tax and even gas tax does this. If your going to have a fair tax, (not just the top 50% carrying the load) why not do a straight across the board vat, na thats stupid.

I completely disagree with almost everything you say Kevin, weird huh nothing personal.

Last edited by Bajozzy; 2011-04-21 at 07:11 PM.
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