Originally Posted by Dean
You sure it is supposed to be 400K ohms or just more than 400 ohms? That looks like 780ohms.
it was supposed to be 400k ohms minimum. the info supposedly came from a troubleshooting section of a repair maunal (not sure which one...
1) Disconnect the connector from knock sensor.
2) Measure the resistance between knock
sensor connector terminal and engine ground.
No. 2 — Engine ground:
Is the resistance less than
400 kΩ?
Replace the
knock sensor.
<Ref. to FU-31,
Knock Sensor.>
Repair ground
short circuit in
harness between
knock sensor connector
and ECM
It seems to indicate that a reading higher than 400k ohms was ok. In that case, isn't 780 ohms way less than 400k? (assuming the "k" means multiply by 1,000...or 400,000 ohms in this case). Still not sure, learning this stuff on my own.