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Old 2011-05-16, 06:25 PM   #4
Nick Koan
JDM Cowboy
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I put 2 flatwater kayaks on my roof all the time, and drive on dirt roads (though, the dirt roads I've been on with a load were barely worse than a paved road).

Anyway, I agree with Kevin. A good coilover (like my Tein Flex) would work just fine. I would hesitate against recommending springs, but only because its hard to find them without lowering. I would also suggest upgraded struts. But, I would also warn him that the Tein Flexes will make the ride harsher. I used to like it, then it pissed me off, and now it doesn't bother me any more. Oh, and they may lower him a bit too much depending on how bad the roads are that he drives on.

Sway bars actually will help quite a bit in reducing mushiness, but it won't really help with the extra load in the back of the car.

While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN

Last edited by Nick Koan; 2011-05-16 at 06:30 PM.
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