Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
So I'm trying out iRacing. I like the sim engine and their track scanning process, etc. Cool stuff. Their competition system irritates the hell out of me though. I hate being stuck limited to a Legends car (that's loose as hell and I can't change) until in their infinite wisdom they decide I'm fit to race something as advanced as a street stock car.  I've gotten wrecked by other people in every oval race so far.
The whole thing is pretty cleverly designed to extract as much money from your wallet as possible, too. Charging you for cars & tracks individually pisses me off.
iRacing is definitely an acquired taste. Just like any real racing, it's more expensive than you think it should be, it's frustrating and not fun at times, and it takes actual effort/work/practice to be good at. But also, just like real racing, when you do well it's very rewarding.
Staying clean in the oval side of the game is pretty damn hard, which is why I'm still stuck with a D class license there. I hate the legends cars too... they're way too twitchy at the limit, so you really have to drive conservatively as a rookie (also, really top-end wheel/pedal gear apparently makes a world of difference). The only good thing is that your SR is based on number of incidents per *corner*, and there are 4 corners per lap, so even if you're getting hit a lot as a rookie just a few clean races will help bump your SR pretty quickly. I think the trick is to just get out there and run at the back of the pack just to stay clean. Winning as a rookie means exactly dick, while staying clean gets your ass up into the better cars.
On the other hand, in the road course racing it's much easier to stay clean. In fact, if you start at the back and run consistent laps without going off, you'll usually end up top 5 without trying since so many people will crash out on their own pushing too hard. And once you ramp up to C and B licenses, the racing is very good. The Star Mazda cars are awesome, or at least that series was excellent when I was running in it regularly last year or so (I haven't had the time to race once a week like I used to).