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Old 2011-09-07, 01:47 PM   #2
The Doink
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
Really? Think we're going to look back on it like laser discs or something?
I don't care enough about the quality of BR over DVD to try to cram yet another player into my TV cabinet, not to mention the cost of the discs themselves.

I prefer to stream shitty quality movies off netflix. I'll be very happy the day I throw my DVD player, DVR, Wii, PS2, and A/V receiver in the trash so I can have just my TV as a monitor, a digital amp, and a mac mini driving it all, and nothing else.

Broadcast/cable/satellite TV and discs of any sort are all dead... but the companies that sell them don't seem to know it yet.

Anyway, back on topic... if someone would be kind enough to down-sample their BR and give me a crappy copy of the movie on DVD-ROM, I'd be super grateful as it would get me by until the US DVD is released, of course. I've got no problem paying for a copy of this to support the awesome effort of the folks that made the movie. We need more people willing to make films like this... there are enough summer blockbuster super-hero movies.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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