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Old 2011-09-07, 03:23 PM   #8
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by cody View Post
No we don't. Example. "Everyone who drives should be capable of handling a standard emergency maneuver in their vehicle without crashing." The reality is most cannot. Ideas and Ideals are great, but keep your feet on the ground when you have your head in the clouds.
That example isn't different from mine. "Should" means you "should" be able to do something... it's totally possible to accomplish the feat of "handling a standard emergency maneuver in [your] vehicle", right? Just because people don't do it doesn't mean they shouldn't do it.

Having my head in the clouds would be expecting "every car on the road to autonomously avoid accidents though crash avoidance technology". We're not there yet... that's "future land", not "should land".

So, back to the original point... people should consider disks as archaic. The technology has been replaced. Are we still overlapping with the old tech? Sure. But I certainly don't need to use a disk for anything anymore if I choose not to. I can (and do) get by fine with thumbdrives, network shares, and internet downloading.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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