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Old 2011-09-07, 03:58 PM   #10
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by cody View Post
I'm not arguing that your assertion about what should be, is wrong or right. I actually agree with you. My point is that the reality of the situation is that we are not there you can wish that other people/companies in your life would get up to speed all you want, but the fact is that by boycotting BR's, you (and others at your house) are missing out on content and quality.
What exactly am I missing out on? The latest Transformer's movie in 1080p? Spending $14,000 to watch Avatar in 3D in my living room? I saw Avatar in 3D at the movies and it was a waste of money at $18 for two tickets.

You act like there's something out there in BR that's worth watching that's not available in other formats, or that the extra resolution somehow adds significantly to the entertainment value of a movie. Frankly, I'm only "missing out" if I feel like I'm missing out... and I don't feel that way. Most movies today suck, and if a "good" movie is a 6/10 on BR, it's still a 5.5/10 on DVD. Resolution doesn't make a movie better... Pulp Fiction on VHS is still about 10,000 better than anything that's come out since the invention of BR.

Even DVD's themselves are a waste of money... who watches a movie over and over again enough times to make it worth the $20 to own it on disc? I'll pay my $8 to watch unlimited movies per month on netflix instant... if I watch 10 movies, that brings the per movie cost down to like $2 each. Even if I watch just 1 movie, I just saved around $12. Not to mention all the TV episodes out there too. Hell, if I could time-shift and stream F1 races over the internet, I wouldn't even have cable TV. I'd get hulu plus instead, they've got just about all the new shows I watch.

Now, it would be nice if Netflix online had more selection, but not because I'm pining to see new releases... I'm pining to see just good movies in general... new releases for the most part don't meet that requirement. Besides, I don't feel like I'm lacking for entertainment, if I'm bored I can just come argue on the internet.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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