Originally Posted by cody
I know DVD is probably (this is super subjective) 90% as "good" as HD but between the better audio and video, I really do love it. I'm not sure if I'd pay twice as much for the BluRay version for just any movie, but for one I loved, you bet I would. You probably spent a lot of money on your TV that can play 1080P content and your surround sound system. Might as well go that last mile for the full experience.
I have a 1080p TV because I want to be able to read the text on it from my Mac Mini. My surround system is like 15 years old... all I need is something that does 5.1DTS from the optical line-out from my TV.
And I'm not arguing that BR doesn't look great. I'm arguing that missing out on it isn't altering my life in any meaningful way. I've got no reason to go out of my way to upgrade my gear and re-buy movies I already have in order to see them at a higher resolution.
And I'm starting to abhor all the new "eye candy" movies that are out these days, so it's not like I'm missing out on new releases... in fact, with the exception of the last Star Trek movie, I can't think of a single recent big-budget flick I really enjoyed. The stuff I like tends to be comedies anyway, which really don't benefit from higher resolution... I mean, is the Super Troopers syrup drinking scene really funnier in hi-def?