Originally Posted by A1337STI
That probably has a good chunk to do with it. Not a lot of new members, and the new ones get Razzed hard. that and Flat 4 has gobbled up a lot of the younger into subaru crowd. and no "new" exciting subarus since 04 (er think you could buy an STI in 03)
... and not enough dirt racing too  definitely the problem ... definitely
I will admit that we were pretty harsh for a while. Guys like Cody, 100%_Juice, and even you to some extent, got hazed pretty badly. But at the time, there were lots of real d-bags getting into the scene that we just didn't want to be associated with. Those of you guys that stuck around have actually turned out to be great guys and the club never descended into the garbage street-racer thug shit that other boards succumbed to. Over the last couple of years, I don't feel like the vibe around here has been nearly as harsh.
And I don't know that Flat4 really took away many from SECCS. Their board is just as dead as ours these days, I don't think their meets are happening often either. Plus many of their members are also members here since the two clubs really aren't mutually exclusive. I just think that the format of the clubs just doesn't seem to offer anything to the community the way it used to. Is everyone just on myfacetwit instead of message forums these days or what?