so car started acting up again block tested it this morning and failed

. I'm moving to Atlanta in 3 weeks and i really need to fix the car. so my real problem is I'm short on funds (have about 2k saved for this) and at the job I'm have right now there is a strict no working on your own car policy. id like to see if anybody could help me out by maybe renting me a spot to do it and maybe giving me a hand.
Ive never done a head gasket on a Subaru but I'm pretty good tech (have lots of tools as well).
I also need to buy parts I kinda figure i would need a complete engine gasket kit (oil pan, valve covers are leaking), oil pump and either studs or bolts?
I did a timing belt, water pump, pulleys, cam seals and crank seals about 4 moths ago so i don't think I'll need those.