Originally Posted by sperry
That's kinda awesome. But they fail to take into account the cumulative "wear and tear" of the undead. So even if zombies don't rot like the other article mentions, they still certainly fall off things or otherwise move themselves to the R class at some rate.
It would be interesting to calculate a possible survival situation where human reproduction can at least match the natural loss of zombies due to attrition. In other words, what would it take for there to be an equilibrium where humans and zombies coexist.

It's beyond awesome that they 1) actually modeled this, 2) wrote a paper on it, and 3) put down a co-author as "Robert J. Smith?" (question mark included).
My personal opinion on the matter is that the faster and more aggressive 'infected' of the 28 Days Later variety, which they make a note of excluding, are a more realistic

scenario than the classic Romero shambling living dead zombie. Since, you know.. dead organisms are.. dead. At least that presents a plausible explanation for people suddenly losing their minds and running around eating their neighbors, like some new mutated crazy virus. But if there was an outbreak like that then we'd all be ripped apart even quicker. So either way we lose.