I guess this is the Miata thread.... so:
The other day I got this email:
Dear MiataRoadster customer,
I'm writing to you because, within the past six months, you purchased a =
Works Bell steering wheel hub from MiataRoadster.
Over the past five years, I've sold hundreds of Works Bell steering =
wheel adaptor hubs without incident.
Yet, in the past couple of weeks, I've received four reports of the cast =
aluminum 909T and 909T hubs developing cracks.=20
At your earliest convenience, please completely remove your Works Bell =
hub from your steering column and carefully study the areas around the =
splined center hole that goes over the steering column, the areas around =
the two small holes for the turn signal return mechanism (AKA clock =
spring) pins, and the sides of the body.
See the attached pic showing the type of cracks that you should check =
If you do find any cracks, please immediately discontinue use of the =
part and return to using your stock steering wheel, if you have it =
Take pics of your damaged hub, send them to me, and I will make =
arrangements with you for an equivalent value replacement part ASAP.
If your inspection finds no issues, I believe that you're safe to =
re-install the hub.
Be careful not to torque the nut holding the hub to the steering column =
to any more than 25 foot-pounds or 29 Newton-meters.
Please let me know what you find, in either case.
Bill Wilner
Yesterday, I got around to pulling the wheel of the car and found this:

I hope MiataRoadster can get me something before the track day at the end of the month because it doesn't look like the WRX will be running unless Matt can pull off a miracle. I will say though, it's nice to see someone proactively reaching out to customers to notify them about stuff like this.