Originally Posted by Kevin M
I'm simply saying that a generalized correlation seen among modified Subaru turbos- that a 3" catback mated to a good 2.5" catback or axleback is closer in performance to a full 3" than full 2.5"- is true, but it has been falsely attributed to the Ideal Gas Law, and to the idea that the exhaust flows better downstream because it is cooler. If you're ever around a dyno operator who is silly enough to let non-employees close enough, stick your hand right behind the tailpipe during a full boost, full throttle run and tell me that the exhaust has cooled down all that much. Or just look at my rear bumper sometime. 
So what is it attributed to? I'm sure turbulence plays a roll too.
And I've always heard that exhaust temperature drops dramatically every inch after it exits the cylinders. But go ahead and mount your EGT probe in your tailpipe instead of the headers, by all means.