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Old 2012-12-24, 12:03 PM   #1
The Doink
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Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through
Default Thanks you uppity do-gooder...

...for submitting a smog report against my WRX that was in the shop getting tuned so it doesn't blow smoke out the tailpipe. Maybe if you see a car in an industrial area out in front of an automotive repair shop, perhaps the owner has it there for a reason.

Thank god all I got was a notification letter in the mail from the DMV and it doesn't appear to have any fine/action required. But who knows what sort of repercussions get attached to a registration with a report against it. My next smog check better not be affected.

How about saving smog reports for the beater cars on the freeway you know aren't possibly in the process of getting fixed.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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