Thread: F1 Season 2013!
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Old 2013-11-25, 12:33 PM   #83
The Doink
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Originally Posted by MattR View Post
Okay, not to get all conspiracy theorist... But I watch several cars dip the same 4 wheels over the pit entrance paint that got Massa penalized, including Vettel on his last lap. WTF? This appears to be the first year they've chosen to enforce this, but it didnt appear to me it was enforced very consistently.
Yeah, I have no f'ing clue what the FIA was doing. If *anyone* deserves a pass at the race, it was Massa. Hell, Massa would have had a podium if not for that penalty, since Alonso has said he would have moved over for Massa to take 3rd.

Massa on the podium for his home race and last race with Ferrari would have been something special.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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