Portland is (unsurprisingly) wet. Still have the wagon, it's awesome for the wet weather, but sucks since it's so stiff on the bad streets and awful traffic here. I think I need to get the Bilsteins revalved to be super soft.
I'm still trying to buy a house... it's been impossible to find anything with enough space for all the cars... even if we look way above our price range. Nothing here works for us, and prices are like twice Reno.

I think we're going to end up in a tiny house or a townhome, and I'm going to need to find a big ass storage unit that will let me park a truck and a trailer.
Or I need to sell the truck, trailer, and WRX. I'll take $30k for it all if anyone's interested, but you have to pick it up in Colfax where it's parked at my parent's house.