Thread: oil preference?
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Old 2004-06-02, 08:14 PM   #16
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by sperry
I still want more info on that "Mobile 1 is no longer fully synthetic" argument that was floating around a while back. Kevin, you hear anymore about that?
There was nothing more to hear. I layeth the internet smackdown on some SnakeOil, I mean AmsOil guerrilla fighter. He brought up the accusation but never substantiated it. It stemmed from the reclassification of some synthetic stock back to non-synthetic stock. It was a highly technical argument that only the very chemistry-savvy would really appreciate. Savvy=Master's at a minimum to my way of thinking. Basically, nobody's formula's changed, just the way they were classified. And I don't even think that Mobil 1 was using the base stock in question for their full synth blend.
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