Originally Posted by JC
What borders on high maintanince / reduced daily driver? I don't think you will destroy me on a track, just beat me handily and mine is still prettier. 
Light flywheels and stiffer clutches are harder to drive. Not saying it's impossible, but come snowfall time I'd really rather have the 30 pound flywheel back to aid those second and third gear starts. That's the only real downside, other than the $1000 that doesn't get you anywhere any faster, and makes the rock crawling stuff a lot harder. I just don't see it as a good mod for a daily driver, unless it's also a track car or serious autocross tool, like my RS. Other than my spring rates, my car makes more compromises on the street than at the track. I figured Scott wants his car the other way around. That's why I didn't mention springs, strut tops, bushings besides steeering rack, strut braces, harnesses, steel brakelines, etc. etc.
And how is being prettier better than being faster?