Dunlop 40 Series Gone, Kumho 45 series ON!!
Well Hey There,
For Sale: Dunlop FM901 215/49-17(4), they didn't look too bad on the car.
For Abuse: Kumho MX 225/45-17(4), these look HUGE!
First of all, thanks to Khail for getting me a wicked deal on the tires! So I went to a Firestone shop and had them mounted and balanced today. I also went ahead and bought the lifetime alignment deal, get my baby allgined however much I want for as long as I own the car for 145.00 not too bad a deal, eh? I changed my tires and got an alignment YEAH! Well my front left was already out of spec, but not too bad, and everythig else was normal. No pictures. You can see them on Thursday!
Anjali? Anjali?