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Old 2003-04-30, 04:07 PM   #3
The Doink
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Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through

Originally Posted by ArthurS
#7 is a WRX. Sweet :o
Dude, WRX's won STX both days!! 'Course that's cuz Theo beat Matt on Saturday, and then he was the only STX car on Sunday...

That will change soon... I'm coming over to STX And it looks like most the other WRX guys will be in STX including you, right Art?

I'm dreading the un-install of my ALK kit tho.... such a PITA to loosen those bolts, since it's too tight for a socket wrench. Plus I'll need an alignment after going back to stock. Perhaps I should see if I can find some STi control arm bushings... they won't have the ALK's castor offset, but they'll at least be harder than the stock rubber ones!
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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