2004-09-20, 02:28 PM
JDM Cowboy
Real Name: Nick
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Somewhere
Posts: 8,642
Car: 2015 Mazda 3
Originally Posted by sperry
Well, I checked into M3's for the SVX, and wouldn't you know it, they don't make 'em in the stock SVX size (225/50-16)! The closest size in M3's is a 215/55-16, and those will cause my speedo to read low, as well as cost me $113/tire. The only size in M3's that match the OEM revs/mile are the 205/55-16's which are exactly the size Blizzacks I already have for the WRX.
So, instead of paying money for wider snowtires that don't match the OEM overall diameter, I'm just going to swap the Blizzies onto the SVX rims and be done w/ it.
So, all I'm gonna have for sale are some OEM WRX rims sans tires... any one interested in them? 
Damn, well there goes my option for what to do for snow tires... M3 here I come! (or perhaps M2)
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN