Man, I want an STi so bad, it hurts...
I didn't think it was gonna own me so much! It's basically got everything I want to add to my car, and then some!! It's like all the modding is done and warrentied for me! Argh!
Too bad the STi is gonna take a shit on our WRX resale prices...
Hey what do you think would work better: selling the WRX now, and driving a beater till I can afford the STi (prolly a year), or driving the WRX for a like 2 years, till I can afford the STi? Bascially, will the resale be worse right now, just after the STi release, or worse later after more depreciation?
I think if I could get $18k for my WRX (after reverting it to stock) I'd sell it... but I think that's a little optomistic, considering my mileage.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?