Thread: Carribean > NV
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Old 2005-01-10, 04:04 PM   #4
The Doink
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The way out is through

Tuesday, Jan 4, 2005
Carribean Sea:

Sometime early on Day 4 we rounded the tip of Cuba and turned toward Jamaica. We were now in the Carribean Sea. The winds were a bit calmer, the water less choppy, and the temperature and humidity continued to rise. By now the piles of snow back in Reno were starting to seem made-up.

Today, Glen decided he was a pirate. The day was filled with yells of "YARRR!" and "AVAST!" and we drank rum almost exclusively. Pirate Glen acosted our new friend who works at the Duty Free shopping mall from New Zealand.

Then after dinner, Pirate Glen dressed up for the midnight deck party in full Johnny Depp style where he became "Captain Stabbin" and went certifibly Pirate Insane... more than even Pirate Steve.

However, Glen did win the costume contest for our team.

The night ended around 3am when Dan and I decided to sign up for a round of golf in Jamaica, since we were both still flush with our winnings from the previous night in the casino. Only $160, what a deal!

Day 4 Cliff notes:
Glen's a pirate.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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