Saturday, Jan 8, 2005
Gulf of Mexico:
Saturday was our last "Fun Day at Sea", and our last oppertunity to screw around on the boat. Come Sunday morning, we were going to be hitting the port early in the morning.
So, as we headed across the Gulf towards New Orleans, under windy but still fairly warm skys, we did what we'd been doing all cruise long: sit in the sun and drink.
Everyone was pretty beat by this point, so I don't think anyone really missed having nothing to do but hang around the boat.
That night, we had one last dinner in the main dining room. There was some additional jackassery, since it was our last night... like the glass stacking Dan and I started on. Unfortunately, before we could really get going, one of the servers came over and took it apart.
Juno and Glen made sure to really drop the innuendos on our server...
Then, continuing the tradition we started on our last cruise, we made sure to sit our waitress down and server her for a change on the last night! Hopah!
Then as she signed our pictures of the ship (a little parting gift from the crew) Glen made sure to assault our server one last time.
After dinner we hit the piano bar a final time and had a few drinks, sang a few songs, and said goodbye to some of the people we had meet on the cruise.
Then it was off to bed!
Day 8 Cliff notes:
Laid back day, not much more than sitting around in the sun, drinking. Screwed around at dinner just a little bit more than usual. A quick stop at the piano bar, and an early retirement.