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Old 2005-01-27, 09:58 AM   #10
The Doink
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Default Re: Attn Lexus drivers (I'm looking at you Eric)

Originally Posted by MattR
Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
Originally Posted by nKoan
"I've even seen screenshots of major commercial aeroplanes with Windows 2000-based operating systems," said Mikko Hypponen, director of anti-virus research at Finnish firm F-Secure.
Ok, now that is scary in and of itself.
Seriously, what exactly do you do when your airplane gives you the blue screen of death, i can't imagine that ends well...
I can imagine where those screenshots came from... Photoshop.

I don't believe that you can legally operate a mission critical system with software that isn't auditable. Essentially, since Microsoft won't let anyone see their source code, it can't be used for things like aircraft control. That's why planes like the Boeing 777 run on QNX... the source code is available.

So, if this "security expert" has "seen screenshots of major commercial aeroplanes with Windows 2000-based operating systems" then he saw someone's laptop on the flight deck, or some auxilary system that runs Windows... maybe it's the plane's mp3 player for the cabin radio. Or he simply saw a doctored "screenshot".

On a side note: At least Windows 2000 is the most stable version of Windows to date.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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