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Old 2005-02-09, 03:28 PM   #5
The Doink
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Originally Posted by ScottyS
Originally Posted by sperry
YES!!!!! Finally someone found video of that guy!

That was in the '03 Warren Miller flick, and I've been looking for it forever! I guess that guy is some crazy french dude that does all kinds of skydiving stunts.

One of the things the music in this version covers up, it the sound of the guy as he flys past those skiiers... he sounds like a friggen jet aircraft!

I was wondering if that sound was just added effects or if it was real.....can you imagine skiing along and have that dude blow by at like 80mph? :shock:
Well, terminal velocity for a skydiver is around 120mph. I'm not sure that squirrel suit really slows you down all that much. I'd guess that guy flys by at more like 100mph. :shock:
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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