Thread: ATE Brake Fluid
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Old 2005-03-13, 09:36 AM   #1
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Default ATE Brake Fluid

Hopefully the price wont change anytime soon as I'm not making any profit from this but just passing on a good brake fluid to friends that might not have time too wait or dont want to hassel with shopping for it.

This shipment was $204.40 = 20 bottles

$10.25 a bottle this round

What I have Here!!!!!!

2 - 200/gold

0- 200/blue

What needs to go out

1/1 - ScottyS

What needs to be ordered

I'm going on a trip to AZ. at the end of the month so I will place another order in the beginning of April for a case of both again............

I know everyone is pretty well setup so I think the next couple cases might last a little longer. [/code]
Cobb Stage 2
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