Originally Posted by Dean
To use a quote many of you will not remember from an old Robin Willams routine...
"Instantly well hung."
My STX map was good, but now the car has some serious kahones. I'm sure a SS custom ECUTek map would be better(Kevin), but this only required a 10mm socket, and about 20 minutes. And it's as smooth as butter...
Did the quick multiplier bump trick as well.
I contemplated using the 93 octane map to compensate for the altitude, but decided not to.
Wonder if Nate has time to do a pull or three on Thurs. AM. it would be interesting to see what it is really doing.
Nows alls Is bes needsing is a topwatch and St.Tuner Yo! 
More boost = more betta, at least comparing stock maps.
93 won't really do anything for you without a 93 high-altitude map. You're not knocking on the 91 map presumably, so no need for higher octane until you get the Street Tuner. Then you can give a tiny bump in boost and play with fueling a bit and spark a lot.