Originally Posted by ScottyS
Originally Posted by MattR
Scotty, If you want Kevin or I can get it from Mike and hang on to it in town for you...Just a thought.
That would be cool, especially since I plan on "utilizing Kevin's extensive topical experience" when I swap the brakes out.
I can just Paypal Mike or mail him a check or something to keep it simple.
ok, I got you down for 1 of each.
we can work somthing out when it comes to getting me the money. I trust Matt and for that matter "most" everyone here to be good sports about making good on any debt

. Its not like this is big time money here anyways
side note: I'm going to change the 1st post too just show what I have and when I can expect more to be in, so check it and if you need something and it doesnt look like I will have enough let me know