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Old 2005-04-02, 07:57 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Evo Mike
i guess a parent will know best in deciding what's best for his/her kid... even if that means buying them an STi. Also, i think a persoon is entitled to do whatever he wants with his money.. after all it is theirs and who are we to tell them how to spend it. STi's are awesome cars and there's nothing wrong with a 16 yr old kid having one. *not that it's a great idea*

as far as the horsepower claim, thats just stupid.. 485 = race block + dyno jet and tons of tuning. It might be harder for you "older" (no offense of course) guys to remember your highschool days BUT, you might be able to recall a time or two when the "racers" claimed that their car ran 11's or had xxxx horsepower.. or maybe it was just my highschool that had silly boy ricers. Point being, since he is still in Highschool, so i'm not that suprised things like that are being said. He'll get over it in like a year or two.. haha Anyway, thats just my opinion.
Well said..
LOL.. The other White Meat ... lol
subaru(STi) is a boys car, mitsubishi(evo) is a man's car - Jeremy (Top Gear)

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