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Old 2005-05-26, 11:36 AM   #4
The Doink
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The way out is through

Here's my post on the other thread about that car on the SVX network:

Originally Posted by sperry
I think on any color but red those rims would be awesome... but for some reason the red/gold is just falling flat for me. I give it a B+/A-.

Don't get me wrong, it does look good (and like 100x better than most the rims available in our size)... but for the cost of some STi rims, I think something else would look better on a red car. Like some Gram Light 57S's...

It's times like these where I wish my SVX were blue... blue on gold would be HOT! So would a pearly or black SVX on gold... someone w/ a pearly, go borrow Bwana's rims and take pics!!
I like 'em, but I think I need some Gram Lights... assuming they fit.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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